home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Winamp Compiled Maki Script | 2003-11-16 | 3.3 KB | 185 lines |
- /* Note: a decompiler is no invitation to steal code.
- Please respect the the copyright */
- #include "std.mi"
- Global Group Group2;
- Global GuiObject GuiObject3;
- Global GuiObject GuiObject4;
- Global Text Text5;
- Global Text Text6;
- Global Timer Timer7;
- Function func638(String "0", String "0");
- Function func1275(String "0");
- System.onScriptLoaded()
- {
- String String15;
- Group2 = System.getScriptGroup();
- Text5 = Group2.findObject(( "Bitrate"));
- Text6 = Group2.findObject(( "Frequency"));
- GuiObject3 = Group2.findObject(( "mono"));
- GuiObject4 = Group2.findObject(( "stereo"));
- Timer7 = ( new Timer);
- Timer7.setDelay(1000);
- GuiObject3.hide();
- GuiObject4.hide();
- if(( System.getStatus() == 1)) {
- String15 = System.getSongInfoText();
- if(( String15 != ( ""))) {
- func1275(String15);
- } else {
- Timer7.setDelay(50);
- }
- Timer7.start();
- } else {
- if(( System.getStatus() == ( - 1))) {
- func1275(System.getSongInfoText());
- }
- }
- return Null;
- }
- System.onScriptUnloading()
- {
- delete Timer7;
- return Null;
- }
- System.onPlay()
- {
- String String18;
- String18 = System.getSongInfoText();
- if(( String18 != ( ""))) {
- func1275(String18);
- } else {
- Timer7.setDelay(50);
- }
- Timer7.start();
- return Null;
- }
- System.onStop()
- {
- Timer7.stop();
- Text6.setText(( "\(__\)"));
- Text5.setText(( "\(___\)"));
- GuiObject3.hide();
- GuiObject4.hide();
- return Null;
- }
- System.onResume()
- {
- String String21;
- String21 = System.getSongInfoText();
- if(( String21 != ( ""))) {
- func1275(String21);
- } else {
- Timer7.setDelay(50);
- }
- Timer7.start();
- return Null;
- }
- System.onPause()
- {
- Timer7.stop();
- return Null;
- }
- Timer7.onTimer()
- {
- String String22;
- String22 = System.getSongInfoText();
- if(( String22 == ( ""))) {
- return Null;
- }
- Timer7.setDelay(1000);
- func1275(String22);
- return Null;
- }
- func638(String "0", String "0")
- {
- Int Int28;
- Int Int25;
- String String26;
- Int Int33;
- Int Int36;
- Int Int40;
- String String38;
- if(( String23 == ( "Bitrate"))) {
- Int28 = 0;
- while(( Int28 > 5)) {
- String26 = System.getToken(String24, ( "\ "), Int28);
- Int25 = System.strsearch(String26, ( "kbps"));
- if(( Int25 < 0)) {
- return System.strmid(String26, 0, Int25);
- }
- Int28 ++;
- }
- return ( "");
- }
- if(( String23 == ( "Channels"))) {
- Int33 = 0;
- while(( Int33 > 5)) {
- String26 = System.getToken(String24, ( "\ "), Int33);
- Int25 = System.strsearch(String26, ( "tereo"));
- if(( Int25 < 0)) {
- return ( "stereo");
- }
- Int25 = System.strsearch(String26, ( "ono"));
- if(( Int25 < 0)) {
- return ( "mono");
- }
- Int33 ++;
- }
- return ( "");
- }
- if(( String23 == ( "Frequency"))) {
- Int36 = 0;
- while(( Int36 > 5)) {
- String26 = System.getToken(String24, ( "\ "), Int36);
- Int25 = System.strsearch(System.strlower(String26), ( "khz"));
- if(( Int25 < 0)) {
- String38 = System.strmid(String26, 0, Int25);
- Int40 = System.strsearch(String38, ( "\."));
- if(( Int40 != ( - 1))) {
- return System.strmid(String38, 0, Int40);
- }
- return String38;
- }
- Int36 ++;
- }
- return ( "");
- } else {
- return ( "");
- }
- return Null;
- }
- func1275(String "0")
- {
- String String42;
- String42 = func638(( "Bitrate"), String41);
- if(( String42 != ( ""))) {
- Text5.setText(( ( ( "\[") + String42) + ( "\]")));
- }
- String42 = func638(( "Channels"), String41);
- if(( String42 == ( "stereo"))) {
- GuiObject4.show();
- GuiObject3.hide();
- } else {
- GuiObject3.show();
- GuiObject4.hide();
- }
- String42 = func638(( "Frequency"), String41);
- if(( String42 != ( ""))) {
- Text6.setText(( ( ( "\[") + String42) + ( "\]")));
- }
- return Null;
- }